Negotiating A Car Accident Settlement

Negotiating A Car Accident Settlement

personal injury lawyersAfter the car accident and having medical attention and got fully recovered, you can start to send a demand letter that explains the side of your case and ask the other party or insurance adjuster to carry a certain amount to settle the matter. In the demand letter, you can also explain that you will file a lawsuit if your demand wasn’t met. In 3 to 4 weeks your attorney will follow up if you haven’t heard from the adjuster.

The Insurance Company Will Want a Few Weeks to Evaluate Your Claim

personal injury lawyerDepending on your injury the insurance company will want a few weeks to evaluate your claim. Once it is complete, they will point out the weakness in your claims like liability questions and unnecessary treatments.

the insurance company will declare a counteroffer based on those questions in your demand letter most of the time the insurer will use a low-ball offer to test your eagerness and willingness to settle when it comes to this a personal injury attorney can make another offer.