How does Judge decide in a Personal Injury Case?
Judges take many factors of consideration before determining a sentence of criminal charges. The confines of the statute that you are sentenced under are the things that judges must make his or her decisions. The judge might as well consider other sentencing laws that include sentencing guidelines.
A Jury Will Decide Your Innocence
A jury will decide your innocence or if you are guilty unless you pleaded guilty to a criminal case. But the judge’s job to order a penalty for your conviction, not the jury.
The sentence for a particular crime which you are under with will be provided on which criminal statue you were convicted with. A minimum and maximum sentence usually are under a statue. For example, the conviction for theft will be 1 to 5 years in prison depending on what will the statue provides. With the statue, the judge can determine the right range of sentence will be given in a convicted person.